If you were to get really honest with yourself…

Do you sense that you’re not fully enjoying the gifts of motherhood? 

Do you find yourself complaining, comparing and commiserating with other mothers?

Do you see some mothers thriving, seemingly content, and wonder how to better access that state of being yourself?

Motherhood in the modern world is complex! It requires so much.

If you’re feeling tired, worn down, overwhelmed and alone, I want you to know…

It’s not your fault.

Motherhood is hard work.

It will challenge you.

It will demand that you dig deep, that you get honest, and that you actively choose what you want to experience as opposed to settling for whatever habits, narratives, and patterns you’re currently defaulting to.

The truth is: if you want a different experience it is your responsibility to actively create the future you’re craving.

What is the future you long for?

What do you most desire?

How do you want to feel and experience each day in motherhood?

The truth is: you can’t effectively and enjoyably move forward when you’re stuck in limiting ancestral patterns, pervasive cultural patterns, or the Mother Victim archetype. 

That’s why you’re here. 

Pregnant woman with sun and flowers by belly

You’re ready to break free from both ancestral and cultural patterns so you can enjoy motherhood and stand in the power and pleasure of all that it provides.

You’re ready to claim a new experience.

You’re ready to break cycles. 

You’re ready to shed what you need to shed to truly thrive now.

Motherhood is hard work. I get it. I’ve been there…

I’ve felt totally defeated and victimized by the daily demands of motherhood and by the complete lack of support for mothers and families. 

I’m not interested in bypassing the challenges of motherhood! And neither are you.

Here we are. Together. 

In a unique cultural moment. 

You have the potential to create so much for yourself and your family —   a new living, breathing culture that’s supportive.  

Yes, one inspired by the ancient wisdom of our grandmothers grandmothers but one that’s also rooted into the modern world.

We are reweaving the village in real time.


Join me inside Mother Alchemy to reclaim your birthright of pleasure and power in mothering through embodiment, female centered sex education, hormonal intelligence and community. 

Pay In Full:
$555 in full

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I’m ready to sign up! (pay-in-full)
2-Part Payment Plan:
$279 each month for 2 months

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I’m ready to sign up! (payment plan)
Mother holding up her baby

This is for you if:

✧You’re tired of your own bullshit and complaining about motherhood 

✧You’re stuck in a place of overwhelm and exhaustion

✧You’re wondering if your hormones will ever “rebalance” after birth

✧You want to explore sexual identity integration as mother

✧You see other mothers enjoying motherhood more than you and wonder why it’s so hard

✧You feel broken, like you just weren’t “designed” for motherhood

✧You need community and other mothers who deeply care about agency, nourishment and healing your lineage

✧You know you’re the center of your family and that you set the frequency 


It’s time to claim power and pleasure in motherhood.  

Soul maturation awaits.

Kristin Hauser of Womb Medicine

Hi, I’m Kristin and I’ll be your guide.

I’m a mother of 3. I’m an acupuncturist, herbalist and somatic sex educator. My practice is focused on womb and hormone healing, fertility through postpartum. I offer embodied, holistic care and inspired education that centers your real, lived experience. 

Mother Alchemy emerged from my own experience of feeling victimized by modern motherhood while also deeply knowing that I needed to alchemize that pain into power. 

I’ve supported many women in the early motherhood time for hormonal resilience, deep nourishment, sexual identity integration, nervous system regulation and pelvic healing. 

My teaching style is largely influenced by my private practice and personal experience. I draw from my studies of Chinese Medicine, yoga and tantra, hormonal physiology, pelvic anatomy, somatic sex education and embodied trauma healing (in the Somatic Experiencing modality). 

We start September 26th. 

Are you ready?

Kristin Hauser of Womb Medicine
I'm ready (Pay in full)
I'm ready (2 payments)

Here’s what I know to be true:

It’s possible for birth to be the great initiator into more pleasure and life force, in both mothering, sex and more!

It’s possible to shed ancestral and cultural narratives that keep you from embodying the joy of motherhood.

It’s possible to find spiritual growth at the intersection of mothering, pleasure and embodiment. 

It’s possible to feel good in your body and deeply nourished through all the changes that motherhood brings.

It’s possible to finally claim the power of the hormonal matrix of pregnancy-birth-motherhood and feel vibrant. 

Becoming a mother profoundly shifts your identity on all fronts. 

It’s a rite of passage that can be both challenging and illuminating. 

Mothering at this time is a wild ride and you are being called to unearth your whole self in the process.

Moving fully through the spiritual maturation process that motherhood offers is meant to be done in community with honest reflection and witnessing.


Mother with pregnant belly in the sun

Claim this shift for yourself. Join us in community, today.


The cultural inheritance and ancestral imprints that…

Center technology over biology and body wisdom during pregnancy and birth

Have no regard or reverence for the immediate, mind-altering postpartum time

Don’t honor the unseen work of motherhood

Don’t value your wholeness as a mother 

Can stop, right here, with you!

Here’s How This Works: 

This course and container offers embodiment practices, nervous system regulation and somatic sex education to help you transform any feelings of being victimized by motherhood, heal at the root level and increase your capacity for pleasure in a way that works for your life as a mother.

Woman nude hands covering breasts

Inside Mother Alchemy, you will…

Get to deeply know the part of you that feels like mothering is so hard — you’ll be seen and heard in true community

Transform the limiting patterns of overwhelm and exhaustion

Experience nervous system regulation and orientation to increase your capacity for pleasure 

Understand female pleasure, desire, and arousal

Understand the power of female hormonal physiology — especially in relation to birth, sex and early mothering

Re-write cultural and ancestral narratives that don’t honor your wholeness as woman and mother

Here’s a week-by-week overview (the timing could shift depending on the needs and flow of the group):


Week 1: Yin, Yang and Your Nervous System

  • Understand your nervous system through the lens of Chinese Medicine and polyvagal theory so you can step out of the narrative that you’re the problem.
  • Identify your dominant patterns and what may be keeping you stuck in a place of exhaustion, overwhelm, anger and even rage. 
  • Learn the essentials of what the female neuroendocrine system requires to thrive. 

Week 2: Understand the Mother Victim Archetype

  • Identify why motherhood feels so hard for you specifically and individually. 
  • Work deeply with this part of you: what does she need? What somatic imprint is present? 
  • Dive deep into navigating ancestral or cultural imprints you carry in your body and mind and be fully seen in this process so you can recognize when you’re acting from this pattern and transform it.

Week 3: Reclaim Vitality and Joy as Mother and Reset the Frequency of Your Home

  • Explore the role of anger in reclaiming your vitality and understand why “mom rage” might be more than just revealing your unmet needs. 
  • Learn practices to rebuild your vitality in real time — no they don’t require extended “self care” or extra expenses. 
  • Solidify your boundaries so you can claim what is truly needed to thrive as a mother.

Week 4: A Little Known Key to Transformation: Pleasure as the Great Yin Tonic

  • Understand the difference between pleasure and arousal and truly understand how pleasure impacts female physiology.
  • Explore your unique relationship to pleasure so you can start to cultivate more in your day-to-day life and support the metabolizing of stress hormones.
  • Enjoy a guided practice that is sure to transform your relationship to the pelvic space and orientation to pleasure.

Week 5:  Discover Female Arousal, Desire and Hormonal Physiology

  • Female arousal is not the same as male arousal — it’s time to demystify female arousal and claim the power of it so you can stop blaming your postpartum hormones for “low libido.”
  • Unearth your desires with the recognition that motherhood radically shifts your hormones and your sexual identity and that’s a gift, not a burden.
  • Learn a simple, effective approach for asking for what you want.

Week 6: Prioritizing your Desires, Pleasure and Nourishment as Mother

  • Get underneath the patterns of martyrdom by getting real with what you want and need.
  • Learn how it feels to take up space, own your boundaries and own your desires as a mother. 
  • We’ll discuss sex, relationships and boundaries so you can know you’re not alone in this journey and have practice in prioritizing yourself.

Week 7: Claim a New Version of Yourself: Rewrite Cultural and Ancestral Narratives

  • Explore your personal lineage as well as the cultural archetypes available in modern motherhood so you can honor what you want to carry forward and transform limiting patterns. 
  • Take note of your transformation process and honor your soul maturation through guided ritual and closing the container.
  • Create space to fully claim this new version of yourself and orient towards your expanded capacity to embrace and revel in all that motherhood offers. 


The Mother Alchemy Course + Container Format is as follows:

✓ Weekly 2-hour classes on Thursdays at 2pm central time. These will include a mix of teaching, practices, sharing and reflection or feedback (recorded if you’re unable to attend live).

✓ Class notes in the form of PDFs that you’ll receive week-by-week

✓ Illuminating personal practices and inquiries (includes audio and written practices)

✓ Private community support 

All content is available to download and is yours to keep.

We start September 26th.

What this course is NOT:

  • A substitute for hands on therapy for healing birth injuries. If you have a birth injury or experienced trauma related to birth, I always recommend pelvic floor physical therapy, Holistic Pelvic Care, sexological body work or somatic experiencing.

  •  Relationship counseling or therapy. This course focuses on YOU.

  •  Techniques, tricks or tips. No thanks! 

  •  Medical advice, treatment or trauma resolution therapy. All great things, but not what this course is about.

Woman in red flowers



Investment: $555 or two payments of $279

Spaces are limited so claim your spot now!


Pay In Full:
$555 in full

Take your seat


I’m ready to sign up! (pay-in-full)
2-Part Payment Plan:
$279 each month for 2 months

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I’m ready to sign up! (payment plan)

And yes of course I’m adding some amazing bonuses!

We will have additional classes with other mothers that I respect and trust during our time together. 

These include:

Nancy Lucina

Amanda Teixeira 

Reparent Yourself Using the Wisdom of Nervous System and Parts Work

Live teaching date TBD

Reparenting is an experience many mothers begin integrating after the birth of their children. Though polyvagal and internal family systems approaches, you will learn how to begin accessing your innate wisdom to cultivate the compassion and love towards the parts of yourself that make reparenting work so profound and healing. We will go through a guided meditation on how to meet the parts of yourself, review several common scenarios where a mothers nervous system becomes activated, and take away tangible strategies you can implement that day.

Emily Athena

Dr. Corey Belt

The Role of the Nervous System in the Mothering Experience

Discover how polyvagal theory can guide you more deeply into self-awareness of the mind, body and spirit. We will offer practical tools that allow you to regulate, find safety and ownership in the mothering experience. This innate neurologic blueprint is vital for creating well-regulated, vibrant children and families.

Emily Athena

Emily Athena of EroSpark Movement

teaching on “Core and Pelvic Vitality for Mothers”

Part embodied download on core and pelvic vitality, part movement medicine. This class will illuminate your relationship to your core, pelvis and erotic self as mother. Emily’s background includes functional movement, helping women recover after birth, somatic sex education and so much more. Leave this class feeling more alive and with an expanded sense of your own power. 

Arielle de Martinez

Arielle de Martinez

and I will offer a special class just on “Herbal Allies for Mothers.”

Motherhood requires us to embody our boundaries, tend to our adrenal vitality and cultivate emotional resilience. Arielle and I will share some of our favorite herbal allies for mothers through the lens of folk herbalism and Chinese herbal medicine. This is sure to be a class packed with herbal insights and inspiration for your motherhood journey.

Plus a bonus workshop with me…

Motherhood and Money 

Live teaching date TBD

I’m going to share the behind the scenes of how motherhood has transformed my relationship to money, how I shifted my business to work for the motherhood I desired and so much more! Mother Alchemy is a space to explore the often unspoken aspects of modern motherhood and the conversation would be incomplete without addressing money. If you’re tired of the trad wife vs mompreneur debate, this is for you. 

Arielle de Martinez


What other mothers are saying about Mother Alchemy: 

"So glad I joined mother alchemy, I was in a dark place looking for community. All around the world, I heard stories of mothers in similar situations. I didn’t feel alone. Kristin helped me shift my mindset around motherhood and helped me take a look at the martyrdom I was choosing for myself. I learned so much about my own nervous system and it led me down a journey of rediscovering what it means to be a working-mother. THANK YOU KRISTIN."



"Mother Alchemy was a rich, deeply healing container that helped me feel better in my body and start to find joy in motherhood. I was first drawn to MA because Kristin’s posts began to illuminate and identify experiences I was having, but didn’t have the framework to understand them. Kristin provided us with practical ways to support our nervous system and skills to orient back to what is pleasurable (with small children near by) along with bonus classes with that helped tie everything together. It was a 10/10 and highly recommend."

-Participant 2023


"Absolutely loved this course. Each week introduced topics that paired perfectly with things I’ve personally been working on or have wanted to work on. It took me on a deeper dive and gave me new resources. Looking forward to continuing these practices and growing as a mother (& human). Thank you!"

- Tana


"I entered this course at 33 weeks pregnant and exited the course with a freebirthed baby. The community that was built, as well as newfound friends, were incredibly supportive and practical. I was able to take more responsibility for my choices—in tenderness and education."

-MA Participant 2023


“This was a great experience for me and I'm very grateful that you made this course happen Kristin! 

Kristin has amazingly profound knowledge to share and every week's course was full of women's wisdom, enlightening moments and rewarding practices. The six weeks of the course helped me create space for myself and made me focus a lot more on nourishing aspects of mothering and on my needs - sexual and sensual ones. I am so glad I took part and would recommend it to every mom!”

- Rebecca 


"Kristin offers an amazing window into the world of motherhood through understanding your unique sexuality. She is clear and concise. She helped me connect to my deep self as well as my partner right after having our first baby. I felt seen and heard in a way no doctor ever could. This is the new revolution to postpartum care. Are you a mom? You deserve to know you are magic! This course can help remind you."



Pay In Full:
$555 in full

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I’m ready to sign up! (pay-in-full)
2-Part Payment Plan:
$279 each month for 2 months

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I’m ready to sign up! (payment plan)

Listen to the Raw + Unscripted Shares of Other Mothers Who’ve Taken Mother Alchemy:


 Do you have a question about Mother Alchemy That Hasn’t Been Answered? Email me at [email protected] and I’ll be right with you.