Workshop Bundle!

Over $100 discount when you buy in the bundle!

 Immediate access to:

  •   Healing Estrogen Dominance 

  •   Vaginal Microbiome Rehab and Cervical Health

  •   Harmonizing the Womb Heart 

  •   Restoring Your Fertility and Ovarian Vitality

What Women Are Saying:

Thank you so much for a wonderful workshop! I didn’t know what to expect going into it, but I was just blown away by your knowledge and insights. I have been feeling so defeated lately, and I left the workshop feeling empowered.

- Ali (Vagina Microbiome Workshop)

I just finished the replay and the course was great! I appreciated how you broke it down in ways that are easy to understand. I also appreciate the approach of what may work for one may not work for the other and what to consider because of that approach (bio-individuality).

- Olivia (Healing Estrogen Dominance)

$399.00 USD